What are Cannabinoids?
Cannabinoids are a group of chemical compounds found in the cannabis plant. The two most well-known cannabinoids are THC and CBD, but there are many others that range from stimulants to depressants. All cannabinoids have different effects on the human body which can be useful for treating various ailments such as chronic pain, nausea, or inflammation. If you would like to learn more about these fascinating substances then read on!
Cannabinoids are a class of diverse chemical compounds that act on cannabinoid receptors in cells that repress neurotransmitter release in the brain. They include endocannabinoids, produced naturally by the body; phytocannabinoids, found in cannabis and some other plants; and synthetic cannabinoids.
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Cannabinoid System
The new cannabinoid system is not a new discovery. The cannabinoids have been with us for millennia, having first originated in the plant world and then found their way into humans through our diet, particularly via hemp seed oil from cannabis seeds.
Unlike other neurotransmitters cannabinoids transmit signals to cells without triggering an electrical impulse or releasing any chemical messengers outside of the cell membrane. This makes them comparatively safe; they can’t cause direct physical harm by acting as poison like dopamine does when it’s released in too high a concentration after death occurs (euthanasia). At low doses THC acts mainly on neurons that use GABA as their primary transmitter substance- this will lead to calming effects such as reduced anxiety, sedation etc., while at higher doses these effects will be accentuated.
There are new cannabinoids being discovered such as Cannabidiol (CBD). CBD is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid, meaning that it does not have any mind altering effects and therefore can be used by people without the worry of getting high or experiencing other side effects.
This new discovery has opened up new avenues for research in areas like pain management, anxiety relief etc., with many studies pointing to its potential use in treatment-resistant epilepsy patients who do not respond well to traditional medications.
Types of Cannabinoids
There are 3 types of cannabinoids: Endocannabinoids, phytocannabinoids and synthetic cannabinoids.
-Endocannabinoids can be produced by our body or consumed from food in the form of CBD (cannabidiol) and THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). They bind to the endo-cannabinoid receptors that are found throughout our system including central nervous system, immune cells, gastrointestinal tract and reproductive organs.
-Phytocapinols come from plants such as industrial hemp which is a variety of cannabis plant created for it’s low levels of tetrahydrocannabinol (<0.35%). Other common forms include marijuana, hops tea extract or cannabutter made by cooking cannabis in butter or olive oil.
-Synthetic cannabinoids are manmade chemicals that often bind to the same endo-cannabinoid receptors as THC, but act on different pathways. They come from laboratories and can be found in products such as Spice’s synthetic marijuana which is made of an herb called black pepper leaves soaked in a chemical known as JWH-018. Other types include Kronic 3X and Black Mamba 3x which contain AMB (abamorin) and CP 47,497 respectively. The effects vary with each type depending on how they interact with the human system.”
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What are Cannabinoid Receptors?
– Cannabinoid receptors are naturally occurring systems in the body that function to send chemical messages or neurotransmitters between cells.
– They regulate our immune system, digestive and nervous systems by sending signals across synapses with other endocannabinoid (a type of neurotransmitter) like anandamide.
– In humans there are two types of cannabinoid receptors: CBD(cannabidiol) receptor type I, which binds cbd; and CB(cannabidiol) receptor type II, which does not bind cbd but is activated by it instead.
What are Cannabinoid Receptors? – The human body produces its own cannabinoids called “endocannabinoid”, notably anandamide—the
Cannabinoid vs THC
The main difference between THC and cannabinoids is the types of effects. Cannabinoids, found in cannabis plants (or hemp), are what provides one with a sense of euphoria or what we call being high. THC on the other hand, is what gives you that psychoactive effect through your brain receptors and can cause hallucinations when taken in large enough doses.
With this understanding, it becomes clear that cannabinoid refers to any plant compound responsible for producing effects like pain release and appetite stimulation while thc typically stands for tetrahydrocannabinol which has been extracted from marijuana flowers/buds but also hemp leaves.
Cannabis contains over 500 natural chemicals called “cannabinoids” – including delta-nine-tetrahydroc
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Cannabinoid Research and Development
The field of cannabinoid research and development is complex, with scientists exploring the chemistry of cannabinoids like THC and CBD as well as compounds in cannabis that are not psychoactive such as terpenes. There is considerable interest among companies to develop cannabinoid-based drugs – medication that could be prescribed by doctors or marketed over the counter – with patents already awarded on formulations containing various doses and delivery methods of ingredients from cannabis plants. But there are also other potential avenues for medical advances involving cannabinoids including treatments for conditions that do not respond to conventional treatment like Alzheimer’s disease or even cancer where it has shown promise both anecdotally among patients using highly concentrated marijuana extracts and in pre-clinical research.
Some of the questions that need answers are: What is the chemistry behind cannabinoid receptors and how do they work? How should cannabinoids be tested for safety? Is there a way to predict whether someone will have an adverse reaction or not? There is still much research needed on these topics, but scientists and companies alike see great potential in this field and as the additional studies are being published, we’ll be here to continue sharing!
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Cannabinoids and their Therapeutic Effects
Cannabinoids are a class of diverse chemical compounds that each interact with the body by activating cannabinoid receptors. The two most studied types of cannabinoids include phytocannabinoids from plants and endocannabinoid system (ECS) molecules made in our bodies
The ECS has many functions including regulating mood, pain sensation, appetite as well as more complex cognitive processes like memory formation
Research is ongoing to find out more about how cannabinoids work and their therapeutic potential for different conditions. As it stands there have been some promising results from studies involving CBD oil which suggest its efficacy for reducing anxiety, inflammation and depression symptoms without any psychoactive effects or side-effects
Phytociotics may also offer therapeutic benefits such as anti-cancer properties but more research is needed to find out how these may be used.
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Effects of Cannabinoids
Cannabinoids can be used to treat the symptoms of diseases like glaucoma, multiple sclerosis and epilepsy. Cannabinoid-only medications are also effective in the treatment of chronic pain in patients without the need for other drugs that cause dependence or addiction. Patients who consume cannabis on a regular basis often experience an increase in appetite as well as better sleep patterns because it is being used medicinally, rather than recreationally with the intention to get high.
An article by Dana Larsen “How Marijuana Protects Us From Cancer And Other Diseases” discusses the medicinal properties and health benefits of cannabinoids which include: the prevention of nausea from chemotherapy; reduction of intraocular pressure due to glaucoma; treatment of spasticity caused by multiple sclerosis and paraplegia; relief from pain, muscle spasms, seizures as well as other neurological disorders.
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